
“Language is not a transparent vessel through which thought merely passes unimpeded. It is the very stuff of thinking. And it is the sine qua non for the effective transformation of ideas, no matter how good, into action. Humanities courses, reading- and writing-intensive courses and foreign language courses in particular, are the only place where many students learn the verbal skills necessary to whatever career path they may eventually choose.” R. Howard Bloch

[2011 – ] Faculty of Education and International Studies,

Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education

Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway

Lecturer in English language and didactics (Høgskolelektor i Engelsk)

[2007 – 2011] Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education,

University of Tromsø, Norway

Stipendiat (Research Fellow)

2011 Spring – LRU-1301 – Engelsk 5.-10. trinn: Språk og didaktikk

(with Tove Elinor Holmbukt)

integrated MA programme for English teachers

2 weeks – Aspect , Modality and Varieties of English [1 & 2]

Department of Education (ILP)

ENG-6003Engelsk 1 videreutdanning for lærere (nettbasert)

5 hour module – Introduction to Phonetics and Phonetics for Englishteachers

Department of Education (ILP)

2010 Autumn – LIN-1030: Phonetics – BA level course

Department of Language and Linguistics (IS)

2010 Spring – HIF-3021: Phonology II – MA level course

(with Dr. Ove Lorentz and Dr. Patrik Bye)

Department of Language and Linguistics (IS)

2008 Autumn – Lin-1012: Phonology – BA level course

(with Dr. Ove Lorentz)

Department of Language and Linguistics (IS)

2008 Spring – LIN-1030: Phonetics –  BA level course

(with Pavel Iosad)

Department of Language and Linguistics (IS)

[2004 – 2005] Department of English Language and Literature,

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Teaching Assistant

Integrated Language Skills (C2 level) for students majoring in English

General English (B2 level)as a non-major language course

[2003 – 2005] Castrum language school, Novi Sad, Serbia

English Teacher

English language courses, including Business English

from Beginner to Upper Intermediate levels

various age groups

[2003 – 2004] Praxis language school, Novi Sad, Serbia

English Teacher

an Intermediate level Business English course

[2002 – 2005] National Training Team of the Student Union of Serbia

a trainer in the Training Team for Education issues

organizing and teaching 1-3 day workshops/trainings for Student   Unions around Serbia on the Education Reform and Bologna Process, the issues that arise in implementing it, and on presentation and conflict resolution strategies for negotiating with Faculty and University management